Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Is rap free speech?

A young man named Taylor Bell was suspended from school after making a rap accusing two male coaches were engaging in inappropriate sexual actions towards female students. Bell posted this song on Facebook and Youtube. These girls affirmed sworn affidavits allegating the two teachers after the rap was made. Bell made this song on winter break away from school grounds. School officials did not investigate or deny allegations against the coaches. School officials learned about the song suspended him and forced him to attend alternative school for the next six weeks according to CNN.

During this process of moving Bell the school did not notify the police about what was going on. This case went to the Supreme Court under the name Bell v. Itawamba County School Board. The school argued the song intimidated harassed and threatened school employees. However, Bell's locker was not searched and one of the coaches named in the song said it was "just a rap". This case has yet to be resolved.  

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