Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Church and State

On September 8th 2014 the the internet news site Newser released an article about a pilot for the United States Air Force that crossed out "so help me God" on the papers he had to sign to join. According to the Air Force the airman had until November 14th 2014 to sign the paper. However, according to Newser the airmans lawyer said "the Air Force cannot compel anyone to swear to God as a condition of enlistment". Soon after the lawyer then went on to say it was a violation of the First Amendment.
I believe this is absolutely a First Amendment case. It makes sense that it is a First Amendment case because the airman was using his right freedom from religion which is shown by crossing out so help me God on his contract. There is supposed to be a seperation of church and state and by having this seperation there is no reason why he should have to sign something like that.